2017 State Business Tax Climate Index

If you ever wondered what would be a good choice of a state to organize your business in, this website gives you some visual information by state. You can check rankings of states by corporate tax, individual tax, sales tax, property tax, and unemployment insurance...

Tax-Saving Strategies to Reduce Your Tax Liability

With less than three months remaining in the calendar year, now is a good time to double check your taxable income and see if you can minimize your tax bill before it’s too late. Boost your retirement savings – Many employers let you defer a portion of your...

Why You Should Review Your Withholding Allowances

How do you know if you are withholding too much? If you are consistently getting large refunds, you are probably withholding too much. If your situation has changed, like you’ve gotten a new job, you may need to adjust your withholdings. What are the situations that...

Do You Owe Use Tax?

We all know about sales tax. It is a tax paid whenever we purchase something. The tax is some percentage of a purchase price. Do you know about use tax? Use tax is similar to sales tax, and it applies whenever you buy, lease, or rent items without paying sales taxes....

What Is Income?

Generally speaking, if you received money, property, or services, you have income. Examples of income include wages and fringe benefits, investment income such as interest, dividends, or capital gains, business income, and income from bartering. In some cases, your...